Wednesday 18 July 2007

'To be, or not to be? That is the question.'

When faced with the prospect of being in a West End show do you jump or do you wait to be pushed??

This morning I awoke from a dream I could only hope to forget, only to find it was on the path to reality. When I finally got out of bed, trying to prolong the forthcoming audition, nerves start fly to areas of my body I forgot existed. I grunted through morning conversation with Director Boy hoping to disguise the fact I was actually fully alert and coherent and completely petrified.

I haven't felt this nervous since the day I came out, realising the trust in what was placed in my mother was now public knowledge. I stand up and walk into the bathroom, clutching my stomach only to empty the contents quicker than should be humanly possible. Director Boy leaves for work with words of encouragement, and I sit there with only the thought that I was going to make a fool of myself in front him later in the day. After everything he's done to get me the aution the last thing I wanted to do was be unveiled as a theatrical fraud.

Time passes very slowly as I try and psyche myself up for the moment. Re-reading the scene I know is coming up and running imaginary conversations in my head, over and over. But all I can think about is how much my stomach still hurts, All in all I end up throwing up three times, each more painful than the last.

The moment finally comes and I approach stage door. A text arrives from Director Boy with yet more words, but I can barely read them, I need to concentrate on whats to come.

The audition itself was over in a matter of minutes. I read better than I thought I would but equally I felt relieved. My stomach felt settled and I felt great. I left the theatre after my first West End casting feeling proud of myself for just getting through it and not feeling like the world had collapsed.

Needless to say I didn't get the part, but I did get excellent feed back. There's no more I could ask for. Director Boy was proud of me and although I will never admit it, that was the only thing I wanted to achieve. When someone loves you as much as much as he does, there is nothing in the world I would do to disappoint or embarrass.

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