Friday 6 July 2007

Eyes on the Prize

Today, I am pleased to say, I am feeling much better. Inanimate objects are no longer seeming so friendly, in fact I think I've done full circle and almost become 'straight man'. I.E. wouldn't dare to even think about cleaning, or putting down a toilet seat.

Well, at least I'm slightly full circle, more semi- circle. Basically, I couldn't tear myself away from running to sainsbury's with the task of doing a full weeks shopping on a budget of £40. Best thing was there was an added bonus, A PRIZE!! If I came in under budget I got a gift. And guess who should be female and came in under budget?? C'est moi!!

I then came home and made lunch for myself and Director boy, who was working from home today. Then I slept while he went swimming. I'm currently making dinner, home made shepherd's pie.

Such a supportive house wife.... Oh dear... I don't think any circles were drawn and no manly thoughts ever entered my head.

But, still, I came under budget. What straight guy knows such pleasures?

Now, I wonder what my prize is??

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